A Life Forever Blooming

"In January 2024, our staff chose 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 as our verse of the year which is 'Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.' As a staff here at Alternatives, it is essential that we are prepared to walk with our patients through every stage of pregnancy. Never in my wildest dreams did I think our staff would walk alongside me as I faced one of the most difficult seasons of my life. My name is Rayneedae Garcia and I am the event coordinator at Alternatives. At just 19 weeks pregnant, our daughter was diagnosed with trisomy 13 - a fatal chromosomal abnormality that didn’t allow for her brain to fully develop. My husband and I were told the heartbreaking news that she would not live long either in utero or after birth. In that moment, I could either submit to fear, which meant letting my selfishness end her life there. Or I could submit to God, which meant taking all of my fear and grief and laying it at the feet of Jesus. The answer was simple: either I trust God with nothing, or I trust God with everything. What should have been the most painful time of my life turned out to be the most beautiful and sacred season. Jesus is close to the brokenhearted and draws near to those who draw near to Him. To be immersed in the midst of suffering and still choose to give thanks in all circumstances is what creates an eternal impact. The Lord chose the life of our daughter, Florence Elizabeth, to bring Glory to His name. Florence means ‘to flourish and to blossom’. Through the Florence Elizabeth Legacy Fund, we will honor others who have also chosen life in the face of fear and create an impact that will last for generations."

Help Alternatives Give Life to Future Generations

400 Donors x $5,000 (annual gift or divided into a monthly gift)

This fund supports the entire ministry of Alternatives Pregnancy Center- from a patient's first appointment to her child's first birthday. Through this fund each year, we will also honor a patient who chose life amidst an adverse diagnosis with a $5,000 gift.

I want to give!

Our First Recipient of the Florence Elizabeth Legacy Fund